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Opportunity Description

Our Arts and Culture Department has partnered with various organisations to develop the Emerging Artists Programme.  The programme supports talented artists in accessing art supplies, finding exhibition and studio space and selling their work.


The Emerging Artists Programme is aimed primarily at Cape Town based artists who’ve not had the benefit of resources, training and exposure as a result of historic inequality and under-development.

The City’s Arts and Culture Department partners with organisations and initiatives across the city to develop and activate the programme throughout the year.

There are two separate areas of assistance and you can choose to take part in either, or both.

Capacity training

We provide skills development training to help artists understand the arts sector and how they can go about showcasing and generate and income from their work.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Finding studio, gallery or exhibition space
  • Network opportunities
  • Portfolio and website development
  • Professional mentorship
  • Sourcing art-making materials
  • Training to improve your skills in painting, wood carving, photography and more.

The Emerging Artist Exhibitions

We host exhibitions, showcasing the work of artists on the programme at the South Africa Sendinggestig Museum during First Thursdays, a promotional initiative that takes place every first Thursday of the month in Cape Town’s City Bowl District.

The exhibitions are moved to various Cultural Centres including the City’s own Cultural Spaces or the Cape Town Civic Centre. These spaces expose the artist to exhibiting in galleries and allow the opportunity to network amongst peers and other professionals.

How to Apply

Take note of the following before submitting your application:

  • The programme is open to any emerging artist who is based in Cape Town and who either paints, sculpts or draws.
  • There is no age limit.
  • Workshops are held at various venues across the city during evenings and weekends. All sessions are compulsory.

Emerging Arts Application Form

As per the Protection of Personal Informaiton (PoPI) Act, No. 4 of 2013, the Personal information requested here will only be used to:

  • Process your application and add your details to our Emerging Artists Database.
  • Contact you as and when suitable programmes, showcase opportunities and related events become available.
  • Keep track of our programme participants and regularly assess whether our programmes are meeting its objectives.

Furthermore, the personal information collected will not be shared or used for any other purpose other than those set out above. Personal information will be destroyed or irreversibly anonymised if or when it is no longer needed or it is no longer necessary to retain it. For more information, refer to our Privacy Policy.

Once you have completed the application form, your information will be captured into a database and we will contact you once certain criteria has been met. Should you wish to opt out at any time or require further information, you can let us know by sending your request to You will be removed from the database and all your data will also be destroyed/anonymised if you choose to opt out.