
30 September 2024

Opportunity Description

Last year’s competition was our first one, and it turned out to be a huge success. It really uplifted and encouraged artists of all ages and skill levels.

This year, our grand prize is R260,000 and there will also be prizes for the 2nd and 3rd place winners, the Top Primary School and High School learners as well as special category prizes.

Our Top 25 finalists will have the opportunity to send their pieces to the ARTi Gallery, where it will be on exhibit for three months after the winners have been announced, and then their work will remain available for sale on our website for the following year. We do not expect exclusive rights to their artwork, as long as they inform us that they have sold it elsewhere.

The aim of this competition is to give exposure to emerging artists and to create a platform for the art community to be seen and rewarded for their talents.

All ages and mediums are welcome to enter.

The entry fee is R250 per artwork entered, but if you are part of an art association, society or gallery, then you may use the voucher code ARTIST to receive a R30 discount on the entry fee. (For the month of June, we still have an EARLY BIRD special of R40 less – use voucher code EARLYBIRD)

Our theme this year is Rainbow Renaissance: From Baroque to Braai. (Africanize any Old Master artwork, created before 1950).

Submissions only close on 30 September 2024, but we do encourage artists to enter ASAP to secure their spot and receive the discount entry fee. They can then go back to their profile any time before 30 September to upload their artwork.

How to Apply

You can enter here: AGAC 2024: Unleash Your Creativity – ARTi Gallery & Interiors

You can also view last year’s triumphs on our website. Triumphs of AGAC 2023 – ARTi Gallery & Interiors