Independent Curators International recently opened applications for a new Curatorial Intensive from August 11-18, 2022.
The Curatorial Intensive is an eight-day professional development program offering emerging curators the opportunity to discuss, among colleagues, the concepts, logistics, and challenges of organizing exhibitions, public programs, and other curatorial models. It is designed to immerse participants in a rigorous schedule of seminars, presentations, site visits, and one-on-one meetings that support the process of developing an idea for a project into a full proposal. This program is the seventh Curatorial Intensive in Africa since 2013, following past iterations in Johannesburg, Addis Ababa, Marrakesh, Dakar, Accra, and Cape Town. Full information about the program can be found on our website here.
Seminars, site visits, individual meetings, and roundtable discussions will be led by a group of professionals that includes Martha Kazungu (Assistant Curator, MARKK Museum am Rothenbaum, Hamburg, and Founder and Curator, Njabala Foundation, Kampala), Serubiri Moses (thinker, curator, and teacher, New York), Dr. Lilian Mary Nabulime (Sculptor and lecturer, Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art (MTSIFA), Makerere University, Kampala), Marie-Hélène Pereira (Curator and Director of Programs, RAW Material Company, Dakar), and Renaud Proch (Executive and Artistic Director, ICI), among others.