

30 September 2019

Opportunity Description

Nominations are now invited for the Helgaard Steyn Award for Painting in 2019.

The Helgaard Steyn Trust

The Helgaard Steyn Trust was established by the estate of Dr. J H (Jan) Steyn (1902-1983), an old boy of the former Grey University College (now the UFS), late MP for Potchefstroom and director of companies. The Trust is named after Dr. Steyn’s father, past MPC for Bloemfontein and youngest brother of M T Steyn, the last president of the Orange Free State Republic. The current trustees are Me Hanneli Rupert Koegelenberg, Mr. Gerard Rupert, Mr. Francois van der Merwe, Mr. Johannes van Niekerk and ABSA TRUST LTD.

The Trust benefits the conservation of agricultural land in the Free State and the promotion of artistic culture in South Africa. Fifty percent of the net annual rental income from the conservation area is dedicated to the Helgaard Steyn Award. The value of the prizes makes the Helgaard Steyn Award one of the most substantial art prizes in the country (exceeding R400 000.00). The prizes are awarded in a quadrennial cycle, alternating between the disciplines of musical composition, painting, literature and sculpture. The presentation venue alternates between Potchefstroom and Bloemfontein. Past recipients of Helgaard Steyn Awards for Painting were Pippa Skotnes (1987), Nel Erasmus (1991), Robert Hodgins (1995), Cyril Coetzee (2003), Bronwen Findlay (2007), Pauline Gutter (2011) and Penny Siopis (2015).

The principals of the universities of North-West and the Free State annually appoint an adjudicator in the relevant discipline. Together they nominate a third adjudicator. Richardt Strydom, independent artist and curator, joins Angela de Jesus of the UFS and Moya Goosen from NWU as adjudicators for the 2019 painting award.

How to Apply

The following stipulations apply for the nomination of candidates for the Helgaard Steyn

Award for Painting in 2019

  1. Any artist of South African birth is eligible for the Helgaard Steyn Award. The prize is awarded for any work of art considered, in the opinion of the panel of adjudicators, to be the most meritorious in the discipline, provided that it was produced during the preceding four years and that it remains accessible to the South African public, for example by being included in a public art collection or by being exhibited in a public building or space.
  2.  The adjudicators interpret the provisions to imply that the merits of the works of art under consideration would include their exemplification of a high level of artistic achievement and innovative leadership maintained by the artist over an extended period of time.
  3. The adjudicators have the responsibility of reconciling the original stipulations with an inclusive interpretation of the categories of painting and sculpture, in keeping with current practice in the visual arts. Thus ‘painting’ may include work in series, drawings, tapestries, prints and work on paper.
  4. Art museums, galleries and their appointees, curators, art consultants and arts practitioners are invited to nominate artworks by submitting a statement of motivation, a curriculum vitae of the artist and the details of the artwork (including visual documentation) to the panel of adjudicators.
  5. Direct nominations or enquiries to the panel of adjudicators at the following address:
  • Angela de Jesus
    Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery
    University of the Free State
    P O Box 339 (12)
  • Tel: (051)401-2706
  • Email: helgaardsteynaward2019@gmail.com